Thursday, July 18, 2013

Establishing healthy boundaries with food.

Just as we may have difficulty conducting that class with the troublesome student, we have that same issue on the level of our bodies, with that poor food choice we deemed so necessary, originally. 

We need to see that the troublesome food in our stomach stops internal reeducation and nourishment of the muscles, tissues and blood. The nutrients are killed, the lesson stops, and there has to be another way to deliver proper nourishment to the tissues (before the bell rings). Sometimes getting that student a peer coach, helps. That healthier source of nourishment helps to add in the good stuff to fight off the bad. Bottom line: that student runs a little interference so you can get that lesson taught to the willing participants.

With a peer tutor, I may call it running interference. With my food, I call this principle crowding out. So many old school dieters start their diets on a Monday and should they not succeed in perfection, they deem themselves a failure and decide that the FOLLOWING MONDAY is now the first official restart date for their diets. 

I think nowadays, I give people a bit more credit in thinking they know a healthy nutritional eating plan contains a start at any day of the week but most importantly, any time of day. So if this troublesome student interrupts class, is the teacher going to halt all teaching responsibility until the next day? Absolutely unacceptable. Teaching, like eating, must go on.

And so in saying this, I challenge the avid old school dieter to stop the foolish ways and begin to shine by saying to self, "self, I know I've just made a choice that is robbing nourishment from cell tissues. How can I give back to my cell community?" Give back by committing to drown every fry, not in ketchup, but in huge salad vegetables, fresh green juices, lemon waters, and sprouted beans. Promise that beautiful and wise teacher soul vehicle, that feeding the body for a higher purpose is right on time with educating the masses for a brighter future. Namaste.

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